Business Solutions
GCL provides a full suite of business solutions to maximize value for our clients through every stage of the project development lifecycle.
GCL provides a full suite of business solutions to maximize value for our clients through every stage of the project development lifecycle.
Environmental Liability Assessments
With broad experience across all areas of environmental liability, GCL can help you anticipate environmental concerns, address regulatory/financial liability requirements, and assess projects from financial and risk perspectives.
GCL helps you anticipate costs, increases your awareness of environmental impacts, and offers creative solutions to minimize risk.
Our liability management services include:
- Liability assessments for asset/corporate acquisitions and divestitures
- Liability accounting/financial planning, asset retirement obligation (ARO) reporting
- Regulatory guidance/deemed liability assessments including site specific liability assessments and audits
- Strategies to reduce ARO utilizing area based closure modelling/forecasting including licensee capability assessment
- Peer review/litigation expert witness testimony
- Brownfield redevelopment
Entrepreneurial Solutions
GCL offers customized solutions to support your success. GCL prides itself on excellence in the provision of environmental assessment and advice, combined with insightful understanding of a project’s opportunities and risks.
Areas where GCL can help support your projects include:
- Grant application support
- Environmental assessments for merger, acquisition & divestiture considerations
- Equity involvement in brownfield redevelopment projects and/or innovative technologies that will advance results on sites
Data Management
Geographical Information
Assist with environmental and/or financial analysis and decision-making using spatially analyzed data from sources such as geographic information systems and unmanned aerial vehicles.